Monday, December 14, 2009 . 1:05 AM
That autumn night was just perfect for Jaejoong.The lovely weather,beautiful stars, and with the person he love.Beside him,stood Yuuki smiling shyly.They were walking near the Han river. Yuuki was following Jaejoong from behind with the range about 50cm. She looked like a child following her mother from behind. Actually,both of them were a couple,beginning that night.
"Ha*Cough* Haha..Yuuki.What are you talking about? of course not!!" Jaejoong answered.He thought Yuuki was only joking and wanted to make fun of him.
"KIM JAEJOONG!!!!" Yuuki suddenly shouted which made Jaejoong shocked and dumbfounded.Everyone looked at them but during that time,there's not many people so it's not a big deal.The people were even old people.Still,Jaejoong was embarrassed by that scene.
"Yah!! What are you doing Yuuki?Shouting at the public?What if someone recognize us?" He grabbed her arm but he let it go when he saw Yuuki's serious face.
"I.....Do you really want to know?...What if I answer we're just friends? Nothing more...than that...."he uttered with a low voice.
"Please...Answer me honestly..."She looked down at her feet.
Jaejoong felt guilty but he didn't want to tell her the truth.It's just not right.He knew that she'll never accept it if he tells the truth.He took a deep breath and finally said it.
"Yes....I really do love you.I'm sorry...I don't know how I could feel this way towards you.... Even though at first you forced me to go on a 'date' with you because I kissed you in that show and I didn't like your condition just because I kissed you...Not a bit...but then,I felt there is something special in you while we're on the second date.I realized that you're actually a very caring, kind, bright, cute,sensitive and....lovable..." He gave out a big sigh before continuing.
"..I'm sorry ..I know I'm not supposed to fall in love with you..." He finally confessed.His confession was long but he said it clearly and full with emotions.Yuuki looked surprised.
"Is...Is this the truth?" she asked.
"Yes..."He answered softly.Jaejoong couldn't even looked at her so he looked at the ground.
"I'm...."before he could continue,Yuuki already stopped him by putting her pointing finger on his lips.Jaejoong was astonished.
"That's all I want to hear and to know..."She smiled.Jaejoong confused.'Wasn't she supposed to be be mad at me?'Jae wondered.
"I....I have something to tell you too,Jae..."Jae was shocked.
"You're very kind,funny and weird not to mention,clumsy but I like that personality of yours....You've made me very happy even though I've forced to go on a 'date' with me. So I thought you hate me....I already like you before you kissed me in that show and the more we spent time together on our date,the more I like you and finally I realized that I....."
She took a deep breath before continuing.Jaejoong waited anxiously.
"...I love you Jaejoong...I love you so much that I can't forget about you and my heart ache whenever I think that we're not meant for each other.....I want to be with you....I want to know more about you....What are you doing...what you like....what you want.....How are you.....I always think about you....because.....I love you......I love you Kim Jaejoong...."
Again,Jaejoong was shocked! But then,he calmed down.A smile was formed on his lips.A charming smile that can melt anyone heart.
"..Then....From now on...Are we...official? Our relationship?"He asked with a hesitate.
"...Err....I.....Yes..Coupe..ple..",she blushed and looked down on the ground thinking what should she say next. Her mind went blank and her heart was beating so fast that she felt like everyone could hear it.
"...Am I you...boyfriend now?" He asked again,wanted to make sure.
" ..If you want me as your...girlfriend..."She answered while looking at the ground,avoiding eye contact.
"...I do....So..we're a real couple? No force date anymore? Just a normal(celebrity) couple?"
Yuuki shyly nodded.Jaejoong felt like the happiest person in the entire world. He felt like he's in Cloud 9.He wanted to scream,jump and run like a crazy person but he knew if he do that,people might recognize him so he didn't.As a celebration,he wanted to hug and kiss Yuuki but she stopped him.Instead,of a kiss like a normal couple would do,she gave a warning.
"I'm sorry...I'm your girlfriend but you can't touch me like hug or kiss me except when I allow it.Only my husband can touch me." Jaejoong seemed surprised with the warning but he agreed.He knew that Yuuki is a pure and innocent girl.He didn't want to ruin those.(Sorry guys XP)
That's how they officially became a couple.....
----Flashback ended----
Jaejoong stopped at the nearby the river.Yuuki felt weird with his action.Then,Jaejoong pointed up at the sky, counted down 3,2 and 1.Suddenly there were fireworks shooting on the sky.She was surprised.The fireworks were amazing.The night was cold but Yuuki felt warm and bright because of the fireworks and the presence of the person she loves.
As they're watching the fireworks,Yuuki quietly reached Jaejoong's sweater sleeve and held it tightly.He realized it but he didn't say or do anything except smile. He felt very happy that night but Yuuki just kept quiet the whole time.Even in the car and when Jaejoong sent her to her kondo ,she still didn't say a word.Finally,she said something to thank Jaejoong when he sent her in front of her kondo door.
"Thanks for sending me back home...."
"Yeah....It's my responsibility....since...I'm your boyfriend from now on..." Jaejoong shyly replied.
"Well then...Bye..." She smiled softly while unlocking the door.
Jaejoong turned his back and walked away when he saw Yuuki already opened the door and could step in any second.Suddenly,Yuuki ran towards Jaejoong and hugged him from his back.Of course,Jaejoong was stunned with her action.'Didn't she said that she doesn't like to be touch by man or touch them either?' he thought.
"Jae...Whatever happens, you know that I will always love you...and I hope you will wait for me if I go anywhere or disappear suddenly..."She uttered softly,more like a whisper but loud enough for Jaejoong to hear it.
As soon as she finished saying what she wanted,she let go of him and ran into her kondo.Jaejoong who was still shocked, froze for a while,embarrassed when he thought about it.His face was red like a tomato from blushing.Then,he realized something about Yuuki's words..'wait for me?'What does she meant by that?
He kept thinking about it but soon he forgot when he remembered about the hug incident.His face blushed whenever he thought about it but he felt so happy.The DBSK members felt weird with Jaejoong's never ending smile ever since he came home. Jaejoong couldn't help sharing his happiness told the other members about his relationship with Yuuki.
Their mouth were wide open and they rolled their eyes..They were so shocked.The other members didn't believe it.How can Jaejoong secretly go out on a date without they knowing?! And with a person they're so intimate too!!
"Noo...noona must be joking with you hyung...Didn't she said that she's already in love with someone in a reality show 3 weeks ago?Don't you remember?" Changmin uttered with a low voice.
Changmin,the magnae didn't want to believe what he just heard to be true...In fact,all of the member didn't want to accept the truth about Jaejoong's relationship because all of them likes Yuuki too.Jaejoong looked guilty when he heard Changmin said that.
"Errrr.....Actually....that guy is me..." Jaejoong said nervously.He knew that the members were shocked because he never tell anyone about him and Yuuki for the 2 years they 'date'.
"WHAT?!!!!" All the other members of DBSK stood up instantly, astonished. Their face showed that they didn't believe what Jaejoong just said.
"I never tell you guys that we start going out a year ago.....but it's just a 'testing date' that Yuuki forced me to since I kissed her in that show....She told me not to tell a soul,even you guys....Sorry..." Jaejoong lowered his head and stared at the floor to avoid the other members eye contact.
"WHAT?!!!! I'm going crazy for this!! " Yunho shouted.He was so angry that his Jeolla accent came out but then,he continued to speak normally again.(without his accent)
"We're not just your friends or DBSK members Jaejoong!! We're your family!! You should tell us everything!!" He yelled.Jaejoong lowered his head more and kept quiet.He knew that he's guilty.
" Especially about her!!! AH!!" Yunho blurted.
He quickly covered his mouth with his hand.He said the last part unintentionally.He accidentally spilled out the secret in his heart as well as the other members.Jaejoong raised his head at once when he heard the last part.He looked at Yunho and other member in disbelief.
"What? 'Especially her?' What do you mean?...Wait...You guys like her..No! Love her too?"
He hoped the members would say no.Instead,Yunho,Yoochun,Junsu and Changmin just kept quiet and stared at the floor. Jaejoong realized that all the members feelings towards Yuuki too but they never tell him.He rose with an angry look on his face.
"Yeah!! We're a family !! A family that doesn't tell anything!!!" He exclaimed.
Jaejoong walked to his room and slammed the door furiously.As soon as Jaejoong in his room,he hit the wall with his hand,full of anger.Then,he crept weakly onto his bed and tried to forget everything.
Meanwhile,at the living room......
"You guys too?" The other 4 members asked at the same time.They looked at each other with a surprised face.
" I can't believe that we all like the same girl...." Yoochun sighed.
" What can I do? When I first met her...she's just...just so lovable..." Junsu shrugged.
"She's caring...and has every characteristic of my dream girl..." Yunho said softly.
"She's pretty,kind,smart and understands me...How could I not?" Changmin uttered.
" I guess....We just have to accept Jaejoong's relationship with Yuuki...It's clear isn't it? She's the one that chooses Jaejoong...Not me...not Yoochun...not Junsu...not Changmin....nor anyone else!! She loves him and we have to accept it...but...we're still friends with her,right?"
Yunho tried to make everyone accept the situation and cheer things up but it didn't work.
Changmin went to the bathroom and slammed the door.Yunho knew that Changmin will have his 'Furious Time'.Junsu frowned and slowly walked to his room that he shared with Changmin.Yoochun turned off the television and entered their manager's room.(since he sleep with Jaejoong but he knew Jaejoong locked the door).Yunho was all alone.
"Guys?" Yunho asked but they were all gone.He gave out a long and heavy sigh. Then,he lay on the sofa, closed his eyes and put his right forearm on his eyes. He couldn't believe what happened that night.
"Why does it have it to become like this? Hana Yuuki.....Why? Why do you have to appear and make us fall in love with you? Not just Jaejoong, Yoochun, Changmin, Junsu......and me....but also Donghae and Eunhyuk....."
"Yah!! Yunho hyung!!" Yunho heard someone called him.
He just finished practicing new dance moves that he learnt.He turned around to look at the person who was just calling him.A smile appeared on his cute lips when he saw that person. It was Donghae that called him and stood beside him,smiling, Eunhyuk.
"Yah!! Donghae ah!! Oh!! Eunhyuk too!! Hey!!"
Donghae and Eunhyuk from Super Junior were standing near the practice room.They greeted each other and talked since they didn't meet for some time.Super Junior and DBSK were both very busy with their activities that they rarely have time to meet.The three of them sat on the floor,talked about each other and joked around. Suddenly,Yunho's phone rang.He picked it up.
"Yeoboseyo? Ah....Ye....Yeah....I'm here at the company practice room...Okay...Hey,you're best friend, Hyuk Jae is here too...and Donghae..."Yunho glanced at Eunhyuk and grinned.
Eunhyuk knew who's on the other line smirked.He mouthed 'Junsu,Isnt it?'.Yunho nodded. He grinned at Yunho and Donghae. Donghae and Yunho knew that Eunhyuk wanted to play Junsu with that expression. Yunho continued talking to Junsu after that.
"What? You don't?"
Eunhyuk gave Yunho a signal to hand tha phone over to him. Yunho did as Eunhyuk told him to do.
"Hello? Junsu? Who's this? This is Donghae..." Yunho and Donghae chuckled when they heard what Eunhyuk said.
Eunhyuk stood up.He asked Yunho's permission to borrow the phone for a while and when Yunho gave the permission,he walked out of the room.Yunho and Donghae couldn't help themselves from laughing seeing Eunhyuk mischievous action.They both continued talking.All of the sudden,Donghae asked about Yuuki.
"Err...How's Yuuki?" Yunho was surprised when Donghae asked about Yuuki suddenly so he wanted to make fun of him once in a while.
"She's.....fine...Why?Do you like her?" Yunho grinned.
Donghae turned his head down,looking at the floor instantly when Yunho asked him about Yuuki and kept quiet. Even Yunho was surprised with Donghae's action.He wasn't expected that Donghae would act like that.He knew that he saw Donghae's red face before Donghae turned his head down.
"Do you?" Yunho asked again.
"Yes....I like her..." Donghae finally answered with a very small voice.He kept staring at the floor and refused to look at Yunho's face,especially the eyes.Yunho was really shocked when he heard Donghae's true answer.He can't believe his ears.
"Really? You really like her? Yuuki?" He wanted to make sure that he heard the right thing.Donghae nodded his head meaning that what Yunho heard was true.Yunho's eyes were opened wide along with his mouth.
"Yes...I like her....Not only me....Eunhyuk....Eunhyuk likes her too...He told me that he likes Yuuki too.." Yunho's mouth opened wider than before when he heard not only Donghae like Yuuki but Eunhyuk also?!
"What? Eunhyuk too?!! What about other members?" Yunho knew that there must be other members in Super Junior that likes Yuuki too.
"I don't know about other members...Only Eunhyuk told me...I don't know if they like Yuuki too...Maybe there are.."Donghae answered weakly.
"So....What are you going to do now?"
"Nothing....She already rejected me.Even if I never really said it,I knew it.She said that we're just friends,best friends....but..I guess that's okay than nothing....right?"Donghae raised his head.He had a smile on his face.
Yunho stared at at him.He knew Donghae since their trainee days and both of them were very close with each other since they're also from Gwangju so he knew Donghae pretty well. Donghae's eyes were red and watery but he held it.The smile that Donghae had on his face wasn't a bit happy.The same smile that he used whenever he talked about his late father.It was the bitter and sad smile....
---Flashback ended---
"Jaejoong,Yoochun,Junsu,Changmin,Donghae,Eunhyuk...Me....and not to mention the others that I don't know....We all love the same girl...."
Yunho thought for a while.Then he said to himself,
"I must act as if this never happened!!"
The next day,Yunho woke every member like he normally does.When he woke Jaejoong up,Jaejoong felt weird with Yunho's normal behavior.'Isn't he suppose to be mad at me?',Jaejoong thought.
But later,he felt the tense atmosphere when the other members sat together to have breakfast.Everyone stayed quiet except for Yunho who kept talking 'We have a tight schedule today','Work hard','Autograph session' and he kept babbling 'What a nice weather','Nice breakfast right? I was the one that cooked it' and made up some jokes.Suddenly,Yoochun spoke.
"I.....I'm sorry Jaejoong hyung....You're right....I've been thinking last night...I should tell you and other members that I like her because we're a family but I didn't act like a family...I'm sorry guys..." He turned his head down.
Jaejoong and the other members' mouth opened wide with shock.Suddenly,Junsu spoke too.
"Me too"
"Me three..." Changmin added.
Then the other members began looking at Yunho.Yunho realized it.
"Yah!! Why are you guys looking at me like that?" he cried.
"Hyung....don't you have anything to say?" Changmin asked.
"Ok! Ok!! Sorry....Sheesh!! I was just kidding...Okay...Me too,Jaejoong...I admit it...I like Hana Yuuki but I have to accept that she's with you now,Jae...So I'm okay with you and her now...Even if she's you're girlfriend, she's still my friend. Right guys?"
The other three smiled and nodded.Jaejoong astonished but then, he smiled.
"Thanks guys!!" He hugged them and they hugged him back.
After that, they quickly went to the company for their rehearsal. They saw a crowd of people outside the company building and thought that the crowd was their fans but they realized that it was Hana Yuuki's fans.
"I heard that she has a press conference today but I don't know what's the conference about..."Changmin explained to the other members.They all just went with Changmin explanation.
"She has a lot of fans...."Yunho amazed with the number of people in the crowd.
"Yeah!! I can't believe she beat us in Japan and her first Korean Album was also ranked #1 for a month until our new album came out was released...I think she is going to beat us soon if she release a new album....."Junsu said.
" Yah! We're late guys!!Come on!! We have a rehearsal at 10!! " They moved fast and quickly went on with their schedule.
At 1 p.m.,the rehearsal ended. They had a 20 minutes break before they had to go to a stadium where their concert supposed to be held. They all sat in the resting room,waiting for their ramen to arrive.Changmin turned on the TV and they were surprised to see Yuuki's press conference LIVE.The conference just ended.
Jaejoong was very shocked when he saw the screen,'Hana Yuuki is going to debut in America and leaves today'.As soon as he read it,he rushed out of the room.The members we're shocked too and tried to chase Jaejoong.
"Jaejoong!!!" They shouted but they were too late because Jaejoong was already running down the stairs.
The press conference was held at the nearby hotel so Jaejoong knew that it will only take 10 minutes if he go there by car because whenever he always passed that hotel if he wanted to go the company. Instead taking of the car,he ran towards the hotel as fast as he can and took only 5 minutes to get there.
When he reached the hotel, Yuuki was already heading towards the limousine.He saw her and immediately shouted her name. Yuuki heard Jaejoong's voice but she couldn't look for him or see him because she was pushed into the limousine first and because of of the crowd of fans.The limo began to move.Jaejoong quickly ran,following the limousine.
Yuuki opened the window when the limo already moving.She saw Jaejoong chasing the limo from behind so she asked the driver to stop but the driver refused since he got an order to directly send Yuuki to the airport without any detour.Jaejoong ran as fast as he can and managed to catch up the limousine and he was so close to it.Yuuki screamed Jaejoong's name sadly to stop running because she can't bear to watch him becoming like that just because of her but Jaejoong ignored it.
He reached out his hand and Yuuki did the same to touch the hand they love before they separate but Jaejoong became more breathless and tired.Sweats poured and wet his expensive clothes,he was gasping for oxygen with difficulties but he still chased he limo.Finally,Jaejoong reached Yuuki's finger.They couldn't hold each others hand but they managed to touch each others' finger tips and at the same time,both of them cried.Tears rolled down from their cheeks.Jaejoong felt Yuuki's warm tears on his face as she was crying sideway from the limo window.
"I'm sorry Jaejoong!! I'm so sorry!! I love you!!!" Yuuki cried while the limo drove faster,leaving Jaejoong behind.
Jaejoong by then sitting on the deserted black road on his trembling knees,hitting the road, tired,breathless, sweating, crying and heartbroken.......
~Three years later....Last Autumn...
"Jaejoong!! There you are! You know that after this is your performance right? The 'Forgotten Season' song...Ahhh~The classic song...."the DBSK manager asked Jaejoong.
"Yeah.I can't believe I have to sing this song even though it's been 3 years since I last sang it....Oh,hyung!! Why they gave me the lyric written 'Duet'? If it's a duet,I never see my partner since we're supposed started rehearsing yesterday...."
"The performance was supposed to be a duet but the director in charge of this concert and your new CEO doesn't want to tell you who is it suppose to be....They said they wanted to surprise you"
"Do you know hyung?"Jaejoong stared at his manager.
"Err...I..I have to go...Yunho is calling me.Got to go!!Remember,you're part is the one that written in red.The lavender one is your duet partner part.The blue one is for both of you!! " His manager walked away and left him dumbfounded.
"But I don't hear Yunho call...." Jaejoong shrugged.Then,he realized something.
"How can I rehearse without a partner?"he mumbled.He saw Junsu talking on phone nearby,"Yeah mom.I'm okay.I'll eat healthy food...Don't worry! Bye.Love ya!!" The call ended as he flipped his phone.
"Junsu! Can you help me?" Jaejoong rushed towards Junsu.
"Help with what?"
"Can you be my partner for a while?Just for a rehearsal.My duet partner is nowhere to be seen and I don't know who the heck he or she is!!Aishhh!!" He gave Junsu the lyric paper.
"Oh...This song.'Forgotten season' huh? That person favorite song....Ok!!" Junsu grinned before they rehearsed afterward.
15 minutes before Jaejoong's 'Forgotten Season' performance....(In DBSK waiting room)
"Hyung! Where's my partner?!!Wasn't he or she supposed to be here NOW?!!"Jaejoong felt insecure and nervous.Where is his partner?
"Oh...I didn't tell you? You partner will not show up until his or her part start. So you have to start first!" His manager answered with confident.
"What?!!" Jaejoong totally shocked.
"Yah!! You have 10 minutes left!! Be ready when I call!!" His manager went to the backstage.
"Oh My God!! What is this?!!" Jaejoong totally confused.He threw himself on the sofa.Then,he remembered something.
He grabbed is bag and took out a neatly wrapped lavender colour box.He opened the box carefully.Inside the box were 2 mini dolls made from soft fabric neatly made,a laminate maple leaf, 2 real roses beside the dolls,red and white.One of the doll looked like him but more cute with the doll face and the other one looked like the person he loves and waited for 3 years,Yuuki. He stared at them.
He remembered 3 years ago,he cried for 3 nights in a row because Yuuki left him and went to America.His heart was broken and shredded into millions of pieces.He even thought of going to America just to see Yuuki again.
Then,on the 4h day,he received a parcel delivered by Yuuki's best friend.The parcel had a note inside it:

Jaejoong kept everything inside the box the same as he first laid his eyes on them.He changed the flowers daily.The maple leaf was laminated.To him,the dolls that he knew Yuuki made them by her own hand were very special to him.The dolls filled with her love for Jaejoong.Thats why,whenever he felt nervous,confused, in need of courage or missed Yuuki,he will stare at the dolls or hold Yuuki doll.He will feel calm,happy and confident.
"Jae!! Come on!! Your song about to start!! " His manager's voice snapped Jaejoong back into reality.
"Ah!! Ye! I'll be right there !" He carefully closed the box and gently put it back in his back.
Cheers and shouts were everywhere,screaming Jaejoong's name when the music started.The autumn wallpaper background of the stage opened and came out Jaejoong,singing.
Jigeumdo gi-eokhago isseoyo
Jaejoong sweated.Where was his duet partner?!It's his partner turn! If he or she doesn't show up,the performance will be ruin ! Unexpected,the background opened again and filled with mist.Suddenly...
The voice sounded very familiar to Jaejoong.Too familiar!! He turned his head around. Among the mist that slowly thinning,stood a figure that Jaejoong missed so much.She hadn't change a bit since. Her light brown colour and big eyes long eyelashes,milky skin, pinky red cute lips and a slim body.She was small but pretty as the last time Jaejoong saw her.She was smiling sweetly and the simple,long,pale brown-white dress made her looked even more beautiful within the autumn night...
The crowd was shocked and screamed when they saw her.It was Hana Yuuki! Yuuki was said that for 2 years she worked in America,her short term contract already ended.She decided to quit the entertainment world and disappeared even when she's on top of he career .There was no news about her for a year but now,she's standing in on stage,singing as Jaejoong's duet partner! They all couldn't believe their eyes, even Jaejoong!!He couldn't even contact Yuuki ever since she left him except letters that Yuuki gave him but she didn't even mentioned where she was and the letters only delivered irregularly.
As she walked towards Jaejoong slowly,she still sang her part.Her angel voice was still as angelic as ever.The smile on her face didn't even fade or change when she came face to face with Jaejoong.Jaejoong's heart pounded so hard.He can't believe that the person he loves and miss most suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. Without realize, tears fell from his eyes.Yuuki saw it and wiped the tears away.She whispered,
"..I'm back...."
Jaejoong felt like he wanted to hold her in his arm tightly,never let go and kiss her but he realized that they're still in the middle of a perfomance so he just smiled and continued while his heart screamed for Yuuki. Jaejoong managed to control his feelings when they sang the song.Both of them sang it full with emotion and feelings,made everyone felt it and some of them even moved to tears.
시윌의 마지막 밤을
뜻모를 이야기만 남긴채
우리는 헤어졌지요
그 날의 씰씰햇던 픞정이
그대의 진실인가요
한 마디 변명도 못하고
잊 허져야 하는 건가요
언제나 돌아오는 계절은
나에게 꿈을 주지만
이를 수 없는 꿈은 슬퍼요 나룰 울려요
나를 울려요...
Siwireui majimag bameul
Tteutmoreul iyagiman namginchae
Uri neun he-eo jyeot jiyo
Geu nal-eul ssil ssil haetdeon peupjeongi
Geodaeeul jinsil ingayo
Hanmadi byeonmyeongdo mothago
Itheojyeoya haneun geon-gayo
Eonjena dul-ah oneun gyejeoreun
Na ege ggum eul jujiman
Ireul su eoptneun ggum-eun seulpeoyo narul ul-lyeoyo
Nareul ul-lyeoyo
We separated after leaving indefinable words,
Was your gloomy face, the truth?
Will I have to forget you without even trying to explain?
The returning seasons give me dreams,
Yet, impossible dreams are sad; they make me cry
As soon as the song ended,Jaejoong couldn't help himself from hugging Yuuki as tight as he can.Yuuki felt uncomfortable but she knew how Jaejoong felt so she just let him. Jaejoong's tears that he held finally fell and he can't stop it and so was Yuuki. The fans screamed when they saw the scene. Some of them protest but some of them also support them. Jaejoong and Yuuki didn't care because they're in their own world.
After a while, Jaejoong let go of the hug and wanted to kiss Yuuki but she stopped him from doing it.She smiled and said to him gently,
"Do you still remember what I told you that night? Who can kiss me...."
Jaejoong twitched.He searched for something in his pockets.He knew he always bring it around eversince last year but he couldn't find it. And he was almost gave up before his members suddenly appeared out of nowhere on the stage with them.They were dressed in white suits.Yoochun,Junsu and Changmin were holding a bouquet of flowers each while Yunho hand over a little white box to Jaejoong. Jaejoong,Yuuki and the fans were surprised.
"You forgot this" Yunho winked at Jaejoong.Jaejoong smiled and took it.
"Thanks guys!"
Jaejoong knelt down.Everyone was nervous,including him.He looked at Yuuki and held her hand gently
"Yuuki, I never knew when will you return so I.....I bought something.... Something that can prove that I love you and stay by your side forever....I don't know when will you come back so I said to myself that I will show it to you as soon as you come back...I want to tell you right now,right here....on this stage and in front of this thousands witnesses...I love you...."The fans gasped when they heard Jaejoong confession.He continued.
"Ever since I know that I love you I can't stop thinking about you and since that last autumn night,3 years ago, I was so happy knowing that you love me back..but you left me in pain the next day...I suffered for 3 days but when I received your gift,I know that the only thing I can do is to WAIT...and trust you that you will come back to me....."
Jaejoong words were so touching and almost make Yuuki cry.Finally he said those words that he always wanted to said...
"Hana Yuuki, will you marry me?"
----------------------------------------THE END?
Sunday, December 13, 2009 . 11:30 PM
4 years later....
"Appa,I want to eat ice cream!" A little girl keep pulling her father's shirt to buy her an ice cream.The mother that stand beside the girl just smiled.
"Appa will buy it if Gaeul can make omma go to appa's concert tonight.Okay?" Her father bent and pinched the girl's cute cheek.He smiled sweetly.
"Ah? Really? Appa promise?"
"Promise.." The father stood up straight and held the girl hand.The girl looked at her mother.Her mother knew what she was about to say.
"Okay dear...I'll go..." She smiled.The daughter just grinned then she looked back at her father who just smiled and nodded.
The happy family was walking along the Deoksugung stone-wall road.It was the the last autumn so the stone wall road looked very beautiful with all the colourful falling leaves and piled on the road.Lots of people came and enjoyed themselves.Most of them were families and couples.
"Yah!! It's Youngwoong Jaejoong!! And Hana Yuuki!!!" A girl screamed. Lots of people crowded the family.
The sounds screams were heard among the crowd.After some struggles,the family managed to escaped from the crowd.The girl's parents let out a relieve sigh.The girl just giggled.
"Appa,Omma,you're very famous!" She said to her parents,Jaejoong and Yuuki.The,she skipped along the road in front of her parents.They just chuckled seeing their little princess cute behaviour.
----Flashback 4 years ago----
"Will you marry me Yuuki?" Jaejoong opened the small white box and inside the box was a silver ring with heart shaped diamond.
Yuuki couldn't help herself from crying anymore after she heard that.She smiled and nodded.
"Yes...Yes...YES!! YES JAEJOONG!! I will!!" She answered and hugged him.
He returned the hug with a kiss.And Yuuki didn't push him away like she always did instead she
kissed him back lovingly....
-----End of Flashback-----
Jaejoong and Yuuki already married and have a daughter named,Gaeul who is now 3 years old.Gaeul is very cute and smart.She inherites her parents voice and looks.Not to mention the habits. She's also clumsy and weird like Jaejoong. Demure and mysterious like Yuuki.
Even though Jaejoong alraedy married,he's still involves with his career as an artist.He's still a part of the DBSK group.The others?
"Omma!!Appa!! Eunchae and Heesica(Heechul's and Jessica's daughter) are here here!! Can I go play with them?" Gaeul waves at Eunchae and Heesica that are playing at the swings.
Nearby,there are Yunho,Xeera, and Jessica busy talking on a bench.'Heechul must be busy with his drama'. Jaejoong thought.Yuuki sees Xeera's big stomach and smiles.Jaejoong realizes Yuuki's action and when he knows what she sees,he smiles too.
"Okay Gaeul...Be careful okay?Don't fall like last time.You were crying last time...You know you are clumsy like your appa." Yuuki kisses her daughter cheek and pinches it.
"Okay!!" Gaeul runs off towards Heesica and Eunchae.
Yuuki and Jaejoong sit on a bench under a tree near at the playground.The falling leaves look so beautiful and one of them fell on Yuuki's lap.She picks it up and smiles.Jaejoong watches her actions and asks her.
"What's with that smile?" Yuuki looks at him.She just smiles.
"Nothing..I just remember that night...that last autumn night..."
"Oh? Which one? The night before you left me or the night that me met again and I propose?" Jaejoong teased.
"Hey!!" She hits Jaejoong's shoulder lightly then leans on it.
"Jaejoong..." Yuuki utters.
"Yes?" Jaejoong caresses Yuuki's thick,soft hair.
"If I never force you on that date,we will never become like this,right?"
Yuuki is watching Gaeul who is playing on the swing without someone pushing from behind,not like Heesica who needs Eunchae to push from the back.'Smart child',she thought.
"No.." Yuuki instantly lifts her head and stares at Jaejoong.
"Not on that date but if we never meet during that autumn.." Jaejoong chuckled when he sees Yuuki's reaction and holds her hand.Yuuki smiles happily.
"I love you Yuuki,"Jaejoong kisses Yuuki's forehead and hand.She kisses him back and they hold each others hand tightly.At the end,they said the same thing at the end.
"Autumn is our lucky season,huh? " They laugh.
"Yes...Our Autumn Love~" Yuuki smiles at Jaejoong.
They agree.Their love really does blossom in autumn and will always be forever.....

A word:
Hahahahahahah...sorry because it's really boring

I just write it without thinking much,so..sorry....

The characters are all the characters are real,I just made up the characteristic...hahahah...

Okay...I think it's boring,isnt it?
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